31 August, 2012

Believe in yourself.

Yesterday, to be exact, I started freaking out about my graduate school applications (before I even started) and began to have a huge feeling of doubt. My grades aren't that great. My GRE scores are alright, I don't have a good professor letter of rec, and ultimately the biggest statement of doubt, "I feel stupid."

I freaked out, wished someone was there to hug me and believe in me (although even with that I know won't really do much good in the long run), and then sat up in my bed and got a tissue because I needed to calm down.  Then I remembered the young girls that I met in Vietnam that didn't believe in themselves, and I thought to myself how silly of me to think the same thing. How easy it was for me to think the same thing, and after all, I've graduated from a top University, was Salutatorian of my high school, have a full time job in Los Angeles, and lastly, live in America. Ridiculous how doubt can consume a person and make me think that I'm not capable of or that my existence sucks. I'm not saying this feeling isn't within me still, grad school is a scary process. One that I avoided last year because I wanted to focus on finding a job. Another day, another monster.

At the end of September I will get the opportunity to go to Chicago to speak at my work's Affiliate conference called the "Advancing Justice Conference." Afterwards I will travel to New York, Boston, Washington D.C. and Baltimore.


With my book shelf up and my desk in useful condition, I've settled into my room quiet nicely and it's now comfortable - for the most part.

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