23 May, 2012

There are many sides of me that people don't know.

It's silly of me to assume that people know who I am by glancing at me. It would be so simple if people could understand each other by just a glance.

She likes the smell of the cold in refrigerators. Easily crushes. Rarely likes. Understands the complexity of the world. Loves to listen to music. Was once a hoola-hoop champion. Tries very hard. Is not naturally smart but cuts to the chase mentally. That is why she often zones off in things that are disinterest her or rather, she feels is useless to the pursuit of living. Things that she feels useless are minute details to things, being "right" and winning - yet she can notice patterns of life quiet easily. 

It would also be extremely boring. I suppose love would not feel the same way. The "chase" would not exist. The mystery of life would not be much a mystery any more. She loves me not, she loves me.

I have been out of wack for a bit but I'm sorta loving my out of wack-ness if you will. I particularly love sleeping with my window open. It reminds me of my air conditioned room in Vietnam. Once I discovered this, I couldn't go back to a room with no window open. My room is cold but I also like to sleep with exactly 3 blankets on my bed and 4 pillows. Since I have no curtains (yet) the sun hits me on my face in the morning, along with the sound of birds. I suppose I like my apartment for this reason. I hear lots of birds every morning - it's nice.


I am often amazed by people's ability to resist good tasting things. Fatty things. Junk food. Such control they have. I do it too - but the way I do it is to not purchase the item - that is as much as I can do. Lately I have been jogging and I think it's helping much with my shoulder that I ruined when I spent a month looking for jobs this past november. Go figure. Who knew that I could jog 4 miles. I zone out thinking about a particular person or persons.


It's kind of ridiculous when people find me funny. In fact it's like a high that once it starts I can't stop. It helps me relax. Acceptance, pure acceptance. People unexpectedly laughed at something I said the other day. Isn't it interesting how someone else's laughter can make you so happy?

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