25 April, 2013

Time to frame my world.

Something I wrote a whiles back:

It is difficult to make sense of the world that we live in. At any given time or day many things are happening and depending on what our brain cells chooses to focus on, that may or may not consume us for that second, minute, hour or day.

Structure gives people a sense of purpose. Uncertainty can be a beautiful thing if you let it be. If you embrace uncertainty as something that is a part of your life, than it can be purposeful. Purposeful uncertainty.

Silly that our minds think like this – when we encounter something that is difficult in our lives we label it as a “crisis.” Midlife crisis, quarter life crisis, blah blah blah. But with the movement of how our society functions, the definition of what is acceptable and what is appropriate shifts.  I feel that we are in a digital human crisis. Comfortably, our society in America has made its move into the digital age. Devices are replacing our lived companions and friendships. They have replaced the need for conversation over phones, the need for the sound of voices. Someone said, “people are talking to the air.”

I find it interesting when people take things so seriously. Perhaps, this is my problem. I have always been the person to zone out when people begin to argue their point or perspective or when they give an adamant opinion. Solid, fact, what is right has never really been real to me because life moves on and we move forward no matter what. This is my problem – I embrace the fleetingness of life so much that I’m not very good at taking things in presently.

I feel uncomfortable in L.A. There is something I don’t quiet get yet, and I don’t know what it is exactly, but it’s that I don’t get it.

One of my favorite things to do is to observe the patterns of life. I don’t really like to talk, I don’t even really like to create original things. I like reorganizing old things. I like absorbing things. I like taking what is there and making into something else. I also really like telling other people’s stories. I like learning other people’s story.

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