12 February, 2013

What do I want to shift within myself?

As I approach this new year with grad school and moving to a new place with the chance to "start over" again, I will do the following:

Be open to hurt and make friends. Honestly I really need to suck up this "insecurity" bullshit that I do. I need to stop wishing and hoping that people will like me A LOT. People will like me, people will want to spend time, and people can't fucking read your mind!

Add people to facebook, call them, invite them to lunch and hangouts, make them feel like you want them in your life. I am terrible at this. And as my friend Sally said to me the other day "You really want people to like you"

What a crippling weakness of mine. I need to learn that not everyone will like me and that will be okay. Not everyone will like me the same way either or express it. Making friends in the adult world is not an easy task, it requires effort, coordination, openness and being non-judgemental and letting people make mistakes.

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