17 October, 2012

Perhaps I remind him of home.

When time becomes something that is quantifiable, it changes things. Have you ever lived in a place where time didn't matter? Instead time is seen in the form of light, heat and the seasons. Time isn't a number, an hour, a minute. Instead time flows and it wanders, you wander with it. When time wanders it no longer becomes a burden. It no longer stresses the human spirit to become or accomplish.


Sometimes I think that people have a thread that comes out of them. It weaves and traps them when they become stressed or sad. They become consumed by the thread. When the person is moving or happy, the thread moves forward and reaches new heights. When they fall in love their thread weaves with another person. When hardened their thread no longer moves with the same fluidity as it used to.


Well done.


What matters is matter is matter is matter.


"No offense" Someone said that to me a few weeks ago. At first I was taken a little aback, but then at the end I thought it was a really refreshing comment, for someone to disagree with me directly is a hard task to do and something I haven't encountered in a while.

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