14 October, 2012

Colored tasks.

If you take a slice of life, somewhere in the fabric of insecurities, misfortunes, and mistakes, you will find that in every single point in time we humans are trying to understand what is going on around us. At any given time, we ponder, feel and attempt to understand. The unexplainable for instance. We talk about it all the time, hear it on the news, see it through the gossiping lips of others. The unexplainable from that weird outfit that a person is wearing to a person behaving like an asshole. With the assumption that normal is normal, anything that differs from the norm fascinates us and captures us in different ways. There are those that try and try to be different, to be different is their normal. Lately, I've been fixated with the idea that nothing is finite, that people's opinions are based on arbitrary circumstances and that what is in front of me is not necessarily what is in front of me. I assume that this causes others to see me a bit floaty, perhaps quiet or timid, unable to grasp concrete facts - however, I'd like to think that it's not necessarily a fault, but more so a talent if you will.

Sometimes I talk to people and I think they're idiots but this is very rare. Idiots because they are mean-spirited, because the goodness in them is not really there. Or perhaps I think they're idiots because I feel unable to connect with them, get along with them, or click with them. That's probably more like it. I've come to terms that I won't be friends with everyone and won't stress out trying to be friends with everyone. I am very content with the people I have met and look forward to the many connections I will make in my lifetime.

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